Redesigning the NLMC website

March 6, 2011 By admin

The current NLMC website design is about 10 years old and during the next couple of months we are giving it a major overall — not just a facelift but a completely new site effectively.

The committee are very interested in what you would like to see in the new site. We are very fortunate that new member Stephen Tomlinson, who is a professional website designer by trade, has offered to design the new site.

So what do you like/dislike about the current one? What new features would you like to see? Are there any other climbing sites you really like?

Obviously there are two aspects to the site.

  • As a resource for members (online newsletters, news of events etc)
  • As a marketing tool for recruiting new members. The site does really well in Google (stick “london climbing club” in google and see where we come) so that puts us at an advantage to most other London clubs, but what can we do/add to the site to help pull prospective members in. And just to say…we do need new members! For instance most of the existing committee weren’t even members 4 years ago and without new blood willing to “serve time” running the club it wouldn’t exist.

But it is also really helpful in promoting the barn – interested clubs can see when it is free as well.

So grab a cup of coffee or something stronger and go to a temporary forum that I’ve set up so the committee can canvas your views. Please be as detailed as you can with your ideas and we’ll see what we can do.

Please don’t reply to this email! Instead go to a temporary forum that I have set up until the end of March.